Roofing Scam in Hampton Roads: How to Protect Yourself

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Disasters attract scam artists like moths to a flame, and unfortunately, the roofing industry is no exception. With the goal of eliminating as many shady characters as possible, Zhe Industries wants to help you identify roofing scams to watch out for. Here are a few of them:

Roofing Scam Red Flags To Look For

Firstly, never pay a contractor upfront for work not done or for materials. A reputable contractor should have a supplier who will work with them. If a contractor insists on an upfront payment, it could be a red flag.

Secondly, beware of contractors who offer substantially lower bids. This can be a tactic to get you to sign the contract, and then add extra charges after the job is done. Or, the bid may be too low to cover all the costs involved, and there may not be enough money to pay all the bills. In this case, the material bill might not get paid, and the supplier may put a lien on your property to force payment.

Some contractors submit two invoices: one to the homeowner and another to the insurance company, with an inflated price. This is illegal and constitutes insurance fraud. If a contractor suggests this, it’s best to avoid them.

Storm Season in Hampton Roads

As we get into another hurricane season in Hampton Roads, it’s important to be aware of the facts about roof repair and replacement after a storm.  While Zhe Industries is a home improvement contractor specializing in residential roof repair, replacement, and inspections – homeowners may not want to wait until their roof is damaged in a storm to seek the opinion of an expert.  If you’re ever unsure about the quality and character a roofing contractor that has provided a quote to replace your roof, consider checking their certification, BBB rating, and getting a quote from a local “name-brand” to compare the quotes to.  A roof replacement is a big investment. Make sure that you’re cautious when choosing a contractor.

Bottom Line

The key is to be cautious and aware, rather than afraid. While there are many scam artists out there, there are also plenty of reputable companies who will do exactly what they say they will do. At Zhe Industries, we are proud to be one of them. So, be aware of these roofing scams, and choose your contractor carefully to protect your property and your wallet.